The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology

10 – 30 June 2011, Thailand

Index of Web Pages

Click on the bold links, or navigate from the flag.

The Flag of Thailand. Describes the geometrical nature of the flag display.

April Summary. Remarks on documents sent to me by the IPST.

On Problem Writing. Describes a possible use of problem writing in teacher workshops.

Pentominoes. Illustrative examples of problems at various grade levels using pentominoes. May be used in conjunction with a problem writing workshop.

Resources. Currently a collection of links to helpful pages on pentominoes.

On Creativity. Brief introduction to my philosophy of teaching.

Introductory Workshops. Materials for workshops during the first week of my visit.

Summary Report. Report of my visit with the IPST, including recommendations for the future.

Index. This web page.

© 2004-12 vincent j matsko vmatsko(at)imsa(dot)edu
illinois mathematics and science academy