The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology
10 – 30 June 2011, Thailand
Workshop I, 13 June, 13:00-16:00
This is a flow chart of courses at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA). Here are brief course descriptions of the Mathematical Investigations sequence (most students begin in MI II).
Mathematical Investigations III, Rational Functions Unit (M. Kammrath)
- Learning targets for the Rational Functions unit. Introductory comments on the unit.
- Day 1: Group activity on rational functions using Winplot. Homework based on this exploration.
- Day 2: Exploration on rational functions. Use of sliders in Winplot has students actively engaged. Complete for homework.
- Day 3: Class discussion on the exploration. Homework for more practice; selected answers are provided. There are also Winplot files to download for homework problems five, six, seven and eight, and nine.
- Day 4: Further exploration on rational functions; expectations set previously. Students self-direct. Separate homework with selected answers.
- Day 5: Group activity on rational functions (with selected answers projected on screen). Separate homework. Answer key to the homework problems.
- Day 6: Worksheet on writing rational functions (with selected answers projected on screen). Separate homework.
- Day 7: Critical thinking with error analysis. Review sheet for homework.
- Day 8: Worksheet on rational inequalities.
- Day 9: Rational functions unit exam.
Workshop II, 14 June, 9:00-12:00
Workshop III, 14 June, 13:00-16:00
Solutions to selected problems:
- Partial solutions to the pentomino doubling problem.
- Solutions to some of the floor function problems.
- Solutions to the geometrical dissection probelms.